Cigars, often associated with relaxation and luxury, come wrapped in lingering questions about health impacts.
A less-explored inquiry among these is “Do cigars have calories?”
This article aims to delve into the scientific perspectives surrounding cigar composition and calorie content.
We explore whether luxuriating in a flavorful puff adds to your daily calorie intake or remains merely a sensorial indulgence.

Ensure you buckle up as we unravel this enigmatic side of cigar consumption.
Do cigars have calories?
No, cigars do not have calories. A calorie is a unit of energy that the body can use, usually obtained from food or drink. These calories are either burned off through physical activity or stored as fat.
Cigars, however, are not digested by the body and thus do not provide any caloric value. While cigars contain tobacco, which gets its energy from the sun like any other plant, this energy is not consumable by the human body.
The act of smoking a cigar involves combustion, which is the process of breaking down the cigar’s components, but these byproducts are inhaled, not ingested.
As such, no caloric value is transferred to the smoker. Nevertheless, this does not mean cigars are safe to consume regularly. They contain nicotine and produce smoke that includes numerous harmful substances, representing significant health risks.
How many carbs in a cigar?
A cigar does not contain any carbohydrates. As per the concept of nutrition, carbohydrates are present in our food as one of the main macronutrients. They are the primary source of energy and are essential to conduct various body functions.

However, cigars are not meant for digestion or consumption for energy. They are composed of tobacco leaves which, although organic matter, do not present a digestible source of carbohydrate when smoked.
The act of smoking involves incombustible combustion and inhalation, not ingestion, hence the elements of a cigar, including any potential carbohydrates, are not taken into the body in a form that can be digested or metabolism for energy.
It’s important to note that while cigars do not contribute to your carb or caloric intake, they can have negative impacts on health due to smoke and nicotine content.
Do they put sugar on cigars?
Yes, sugar is sometimes used in the processing of cigars, but not all. It is a common practice in some types of cigars, particularly flavored or infused cigars, where manufacturers add sweetness to enhance the taste of the cigar. This is done during the curing process, where sugar-based solutions may be used on the tobacco leaves.
The sugars caramelize during the smoking process, providing the rich, sweet flavors that some cigar enthusiasts enjoy.
However, traditional cigars do not have added sugar, and the taste profile is derived purely from the natural tobaccos used. It’s important to note that while sugar is used in the processing or flavoring of cigars, it does not mean the smoker is consuming sugar or gaining calories when smoking.
Do cigars help with metabolism?
No, cigars do not directly help with metabolism. The act of smoking does not influence metabolic processes as it does not involve ingesting or digesting anything, which are primary drivers for metabolic activity.

At the same time, the nicotine content in cigars can lead to a perceived increase in metabolism. Nicotine stimulates the nervous system to release certain chemicals in the brain and can trigger sensations of increased heart rate and blood pressure. But this is a temporary effect and can lead to long-term health problems if nicotine addiction occurs.
Also, this is not a ‘healthy’ way to boost metabolism, nor is it sustainable or recommended.
In fact, regular cigar smoking can have detrimental effects on the body’s metabolism with respect to nutrient absorption, as smoking in general can negatively impact the capacities of senses such as taste and smell which then can affect appetite control and food intake.
Cigars do not contain calories or carbohydrates because of how they are used – they’re smoked, not eaten. Therefore, they do not contribute to our daily caloric or carb intake. Any taste of sweetness in cigars is likely due to added flavorings in some types, rather than ingestible sugar.
Although cigars do not have direct impacts on metabolism, nicotine may cause temporary effects. However, the absence of calories or carbs does not equate to being health-safe.
The health risks associated with smoking cigars, primarily due to nicotine and harmful smoke components, outweigh any lack of nutritional impact.